What is a union, really?
Our union is all of us. It’s workers, together, making work better for ourselves and for each other. USU is a way for us to use our collective power to accomplish things that none of us could have done alone. And so, for our union to be effective – for us, the staff to have the power to make change – we all have to take responsibility for it. That means you!
This week is USU Visibility Week, so we’re challenging you to do your part to inspire your colleagues. Wear a USU button at work, use a USU Zoom background, and take the opportunity to talk with a coworker. We all need to know that we aren’t alone. (Contact us if you’d like a button or background.) You can be the one to give someone the confidence to join our union and move us all forward.
And, of course, if you haven’t signed your own card yet, now is the time! Don’t wait for somebody else to go first. USU is you.