"I joined USU because I believe jobs that require advanced degrees should be able to support a middle-class family. -Tom Wesley, Doctoral Programs Specialist"

UM Dearborn Deserves More

Dear coworker,

My name is Tom and I work at UM-Dearborn in our College of Engineering and Computer Science. As a staff member, I support our doctoral students from their onboarding to through graduation. I am also a proud member of our staff union, University Staff United.

Like many others, I’m proud to be a UM-Dearborn employee. I work at an amazing campus that contributes to the economic uplift for many of our graduates. Our alum live and work in southeast Michigan – here in our communities, neighborhoods, and workplaces. We make a real difference in our students’ lives!

But also like many others, I’m frustrated with the lack of pay at the Dearborn campus. I know a lot of my coworkers have a second job just to make ends meet. And when staff members get an insufficient 2% raise, our campus leadership gives itself much more than that. It’s unacceptable!

Unions across Dearborn, Flint, and Ann Arbor are winning contracts with real, meaningful raises! Find out how you can get more involved in our union, email us at info@universitystaffunited.org.

Tom Wesley
Doctoral Program Specialist