USU Organizing Committee Values & Mission


We are building a big, strong union for all non-unionized university staff across all three U-M campuses. Together we are organizing ourselves to build collective power, strengthen our voice, claim the respect we deserve, and achieve material improvements in our lives and in our work.


  • Recruit (non-supervisory) staff into our organizing committee and/or union
  • Build majority support of staff within each U-M job family
  • Discuss and assess issues that face U-M staff
  • Provide support to fellow organizers


Our organizing committee (OC) consists of U-M staff members who are actively dedicated to building a new union. We believe in democratic, consensus-based decision-making and working together to address the issues that impact our jobs and well-being. As OC members we are committed to the core values of solidarity, justice, dignity, diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe that our union must promote and pursue these values across race, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, indigeneity, age, (dis)ability, body size, religion, and immigration status.

  • Racial equity & justice
  • Gender equity & justice
  • LGBTQIA+ equity & justice
  • Disability equity & justice
  • Body size equity
  • Immigrant justice
  • Religious tolerance
  • Class solidarity
  • Age equity
  • Community
  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Homophobia/Transphobia
  • Ableism
  • Fatphobia
  • Xenophobia
  • Islamophobia/Antisemitism
  • Classism
  • Ageism
  • Bigotry

Organizing Principles

  • Commitment to democratic organizing, consensus building, fostering inclusive spaces, and upholding USU (& AFT) mission and values
  • Commitment to accountability, honesty, reciprocity, and trust
  • Meet people where they are and let them speak for themselves (without validating, platforming, or amplifying incompatible values)
  • We uplift mutual courage and taking action in the face of self-doubt, fear, isolation, or intimidation

University Staff Freedom of Speech

We, the organizing committee members of University Staff United – Local 284, affirm and will protect all U-M employees’ right to speak on how political and managerial actions of Management and the Board of Regents have impacted their jobs to their peers in U-M, at comparable institutions and career fields, and to media outlets without threat of being terminated, disciplined, or excluded from future work or promotion.