8/6/24 Newsletter

We’re Building a Solidarity Union – Join Us!

What kind of union is USU? We often say: “USU is all of us.” Don’t take it for granted: that simple phrase represents our most important aspirations for this union we’re building together.

Some unions are basically bureaucratic: members pay dues and then rely on their elected officers or paid union staff to look out for their interests. At an extreme, a member of a bureaucratic union might think of it like buying insurance or saving for retirement: it’s a smart thing to do, it will pay off in higher salaries and greater job security, but it’s fundamentally just a service the member pays for. That’s why we sometimes call this the “service model” of unions.

From the beginning, we have built USU to be more than a service. We believe that our power to make change comes from our solidarity as members: from the relationships we are strengthening among coworkers, the connections we’re forming across departments and classifications and campuses, the trust we’re developing in each other, the courage that grows from having one another’s backs, the understanding that comes from listening to one another and seeking common ground. That’s solidarity unionism.

If we all participate in cultivating our solidarity, then our union can be everything we hope for:

  • Democratic: not just in the sense of voting and electing leaders, but as a thriving community in which all of us as member-citizens discuss our issues together and we all contribute to the decisions we make together
  • Just: not only “diverse,” but understanding and prioritizing one another’s lived experiences and attending to everyone’s needs, especially the worst off among us
  • Powerful: with not only the legal right to negotiate on our own behalf, but a collective voice loud enough that we can’t be ignored or dismissed as we so often have been

So what will it take to realize this solidarity union? In order to build a strong union democracy, we need leaders in every department and strong representation in the Stewards Council. Contact us to ask for more info on the elections.

Staff Voices

"For over a year I've been a member of the organizing committee active on our campaign for our first bargaining unit, student and instructional services. Most of my coworkers aren't in this bargaining unit, and have not yet been a focus of organizing efforts. I'm running for a steward position because I'm excited for the opportunity to organize locally in my own workplace, and to represent the interests of my fellow workers with admin and in USU decision making. -Jude Perillo, Applications Programmer, ISR"

Tell Your Story

One of the best ways to help others feel at ease in joining the union effort is to share your story about why you support USU. Please fill out this form or contact us to set up an interview.

Weekly Drop-in – Lunch Hour

Wednesdays 12-1pm

Whether you’re ready to sign your card, have some questions first, or want to join as an organizer, you’re welcome at our weekly info session! Contact us to ask for meeting info

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