4/8/24 Newsletter

USU News: Union Constitution Vote; Sign to be Eligible

USU is about democracy, and it’s time for us to start making the first of many decisions we’ll take on in the life of our union. That starts with establishing the structure of our union: voting on adopting a constitution and setting a dues rate (which will go into effect only after each bargaining unit bargains and votes on a contract). With that structure in place, we’ll be ready to prepare for bargaining in Student & Instructional Services, and to push towards recognition in bargaining units covering other classifications.

To be eligible to vote, you must have signed your USU Union Card to become a member of USU. Staff in all classifications / prospective bargaining units are welcome! Informational meetings on a proposed constitution will be held in early May, with electronic voting to follow.

It’s Safe to Sign!

Did you know that signing your union card is confidential? Your name and signature will be stored in a database only the union organizers can access. When we file for recognition, a neutral third party will verify employees’ signed cards; University management does not receive the list.

Once we have won our first contract and begun receiving all the benefits we’ve earned, University payroll will see that you are a member – this is when dues will begin to be withdrawn. Of course, we’ll only reach this point once a majority of staff in our group sign up, so you’ll be in good company.

USU New Member Organizing Internships Available

Applications are now open for AFT organizing internships. Internships are available for May through July of this year. This program is designed to help you build your skills and develop as leaders while also contributing to your union campaign. We would like to encourage folks who have not done this before to sign up. This time, we have 2 slots available in Ann Arbor, 1 in Dearborn, and 1 in Flint.

You can read the key details here; to apply, send an email describing your interest to Ariel Mallett at amallett@aftmichigan.org. Applications are considered on a rolling basis now through April 28th.

Paint the Rock w/ USU – Postponed to April 13th at 1pm

Date Change! Paint the Rock with USU, Saturday April 13th, 1 PM EST. Join fellow organizers, friends, and family to build comradery, celebrate our wins, and paint the rock in USU colors. George Washington Park, Washtenaw Ave and Hill St, Ann Arbor. Email amallett@aftmichigan.org with questions.Gather with fellow staff at UM to join in a fun University of Michigan tradition – painting the rock! Join us on Saturday April 13th at 1pm to paint the rock in USU colors, celebrate our wins, and build union camaraderie. Paint supplies will be provided, but bring paint rollers and paint trays if you have them! Join us for this family friendly event – RSVP here.