Dear colleagues,
This week, we’re focused on the protections and security we can gain once our union becomes recognized. Right now, as “at will” employees, our jobs can be really precarious, and we often have to rely on the good will of our supervisors. That insecurity makes it much more difficult for staff to speak up. We just don’t have the same voice that faculty and students have.
With a union, we’ll negotiate protections into an enforceable contract. The union standard for job security is called “Just Cause,” and it’s a collection of principles which require discipline to be fair and proportionate, equally applied, and nondiscriminatory. Just Cause doesn’t preclude discipline when it’s appropriate, but it does create a road map that can help us do our jobs with more confidence.
Unfortunately, while most of us are lucky to work in supportive environments, we’ve learned through our conversations that many staff do face unfair conditions every day at work: belittlement, favoritism, even discrimination or harassment. Their experience is a big reason why we feel it’s so urgent to gain recognition as a union – so that we can gain the security to stand up for ourselves and for one another.We can only win that security together, and now is the time, so sign your union card today and talk with your coworkers about signing up too!
Staff Voices
Tell Your Story
One of the best ways to help others feel at ease in joining the union effort is to share your story about why you support USU. Please fill out this form or contact us to set up an interview
USU Holiday Potluck
Mallett’s Creek Library (Program Room)
3090 Eisenhower Parkway, Ann Arbor, MI
Wednesday December 20th, 5:30-7:30pm
Join us for a holiday potluck with fellow U-M staff on Wednesday, December 20th from 5:30-7:30pm to celebrate organizing wins from the last year and build community amongst fellow workers. All staff are encouraged to come, family, friends & partners welcome! RSVP here
Info Sessions
Voices of the Staff
Virtual Sessions
Wednesday 12/6 at 7pm
Email us for the Zoom information.
Dearborn Campus
Virtual Session
Every Thursday at 6:30pm
Email us for the Zoom information.
Weekly Drop-in Office Hours
Email us for the Zoom information.